Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank You Note

Dear Ex-Boss,

I would like to thank you for the opportunities that I have been given by your employing me. The position I had in your company helped me learn and develop my knowledge and skills as a photographer. I had exposure to many types of people, tasks and requirements and therefore I was able to take in a lot of information, which then served me as a basis for further development.

During the time in which you employed me, I was able to become a much better photographer than I was before, and I honestly appreciate the chance you have given me.


Pentru ca Dan s-a mutat de curand cu serviciul, m-a rugat sa-i scriu a thank you note pentru fostul sef. Si pentru ca mi-am reinstalat sistemul pe PC nu de mult, dupa care am virusat calculatorul si am reinstalat totul din nou, acum nu-mi gasesc Wordul si am folosit blogul ca editor de text. Si daca textul era aici, l-am si postat. Simplu, nu?

Tuesday 2 December 2008

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